Chakra means 'wheel or disc' in Sanskrit and refers to the energy points in your body. The energy spinning discs within you each correspond with certain nerves and organs and reflect what is happening to you at this moment.
Your Chakras need to stay open or balanced in order to function at their best. When the Chakras are open, energy can run through them freely, and harmony exists between the physical body, mind, and spirit. If the Chakras become blocked or unbalanced, then this can lead to you experiencing physical, emotional or mental symptoms relating to a particular Chakra. They all work together therefore when one Chakra is blocked, this impairs the others. It is important to keep your Chakras balanced in order to be the best version of yourself.
There are seven main Chakras which start at the root, or base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head. The seven Chakras are:
The Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra and The Crown Chakra.
When balancing your Chakras, it is best to deal with your lower Chakras first before moving to your higher Chakras.
If you would like help choosing the right Chakra Healing session, you can click the Chakra Healing Benefits tab which gives an insight into the benefits of each Chakra.
If you are unsure on which healing session to choose, an assessment can be carried out during your session.
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